All testimonials on www.abaofwisconsin.org are unsolicited.
"ABA of Wisconsin Staff has never-ending energy and patience, which one needs with Tony. All of us will learn from them and hopefully the family will learn new tools and implement them in their daily lives."
-County Worker |
“We’ve seen a significant improvement in language (from none to communicating almost all of his needs in just 8 months). I feel confident in my ability to prevent negative behavior and also to decrease intensity and
longevity when it begins. I was taught well by ABA of Wisconsin staff. “ -Parent |
“I had the privilege of meeting ABA of Wisconsin staff last week and seeing Tommy with them. I have to say I am so impressed with the growth Tommy seems to have achieved. He seems to be more animated and involved. He conversed with me and I observed him joke with his dad and even understand when his dad was joking with him. ABA of Wisconsin staff is obviously making a difference for Tommy (and his parents can't speak highly enough of them!).”
- Service Coordinator |
"ABA of Wisconsin provides a valued service to post intensive clients. Professional and individualized focus on each child. Strong spirit of collaboration."
-Funder “I’ve learned an incredible amount from ABA of Wisconsin staff. He is now thriving and I’m learning how to work with him better than ever before.”
- Parent |